Friday, February 8, 2013

Welcome to the world of dance, song, and music...

     Have any of you heard the saying "Whenever I am late, someone somewhere has to wait"?  My dad says that to me all the time... Don't be like me! I am late, so now I have to apologize to you (it's a humbling experience.)  I'm sorry you had to wait!  I apologize profusely and I hope you will forgive me. :)...

     That being said, Hi!!!! I'm Thaleia, your muse of music, song and dance. My favorite kind of music is a-capella (or acapella; I've see it spelled both ways-oh, by the way I'm not a grammar Nazi  so please correct me! I won't get mad. :)) My favorite kind of song is the kind with a little bit of beat or swing.  I also like songs that have been changed from their original lyrics into a smart medley or that completely make fun of the original song (I'm horrible aren't I?) My favorite kind of dance is any kind of dance: tap, jazz, modern, ballet, etc. you name it, I'll probably like it! 

From one of my favorite musicals!! Know which one?

     Now, following in my sister muses' steps, I will share with you my expectations in the responses to my blogs. Please don't cuss, it's just an immature way of expressing your discontent or feelings. Also please don't share anything that could be taken in an inappropriate way... THANK YOU! (You can also hold me accountable to these rules, too! I'm not perfect, I'm human...) 

     I would also like to share that I am a Christian and hope to share some of my views with you! I would like this blog to be a safe place where you can share your views and feel comfortable talking about them. Here's a little of my testimony. I accepted Christ as my personal savior at the age of 8. I acknowledged that He humbled Himself and came to this earth to save man from his sins (John 3:16-17) and that He died for my sins on the cross (the most cruel punishment that the Roman government had.) He did this willingly and on my (man's) behalf; how awesome! So, I have come to realize that I am a great sinner, but God is an even greater Savior! I know in this world that believing the Bible, God, and truth are against our culture, but because that is the case, this is the time that we need to stand up and speak out! This is my baby step in sharing my faith, what will yours be? 

     That being said, share some of your testimony (if your comfortable with that, I'd love to hear it!) Did you know that your testimony is one of the first steps to leading someone to Christ? Amazing, isn't it. Remember, if you are trying to lead someone to Christ, that you are just the seed and that God waters the seed. It doesn't matter how you say it, or what you say, as long as you planted the seed of the gospel! It's not all in your hands! Therefore, there is no pressure on you. :) That's a load off of your chest right? 

     What's your favorite type of music, dance or song? Thanks for listening and I hope that you will find this blog fun, comfortable, and challenging! So, here is my challenge to you... within this next week get out of your comfort zone (for when you leave your comfort zone, that's when life begins) by talking to someone who needs a friend, or if you're daring enough share the gospel with someone. Quote for the week by Dr. Seuss (love him!): "You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so...get on your way!" I like this quote, to me it means: "Your off to great places, today is the day, to climb up the mountain of uncertainty (out of your comfort zone), so get on your way!" Share your experiences if this challenge impacted you... 

Your sister in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. I falso like the sound of misic without the accompliment of instruments.
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