Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reflections ~ 2013

Hey all! I know it’s been much too long since I’ve posted. Honestly, the blog had completely slipped off of my radar this past semester. I’ve had some crazy life changes going on - the biggest being a 700-mile move away from my friends and family. It’s been tough, but can I just say that God has been incredibly faithful? He seriously has taught me so much in the past few months, even when I have not been willing to learn.

As so many bloggers are posting their 2014 resolutions and such, I am constantly reminded of each person’s desire for a fresh start. A second chance at success. A clean slate.

I’m here to tell you that there is not a restart button on life. Of course, there is transformation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:15-17) and sanctification by the Holy Spirit. I am thankful for His work in my life! I am thankful that He has worked through the hard times, and used those times to teach me. But there have been specific events in my life that have shaped me, and also constant struggles and temptations that I face. These struggles are not meant to be forgotten. And the decisions that I make also affect my lifestyle and habits. It is in the everyday decisions that I learn, and in which I also make mistakes.

This song by Jonny Diaz has always made me reflect on these events and struggles, but has also always made me thankful that Christ does not hide His scars. He proclaims the most humbling time of His life and used that very experience to save mankind! That blows my mind when I think about it. He did not use His great and majestic power in the way we would use power - to make things easy. He chose to save us in such a unique and difficult way that no other religious system will ever understand.

Just some thoughts. Check in tomorrow for my personal “New Years Resolution” lists! :) I hope you all enjoy your last hours of 2013! :)

Friday, December 13, 2013

Worship. *Dun-dun-dun...*

Yeah. I said it. Worship.

Now, before you get your knickers all in a knot, hear me out. Or read me out. Whatever. I'm not here to chew you out because you dance in the aisles. I'm also not here to chew you out because you've never raised your hands. (Although, if you're not raising your hand in school, then you may have a problem.) I'm here to say that no matter how you worship, I'm just glad you are worshipping.

Many people will give you a list of guidelines, (a.k.a. rules) that you HAVE to follow! If you don't you obviously aren't saved. And as they wave the threat of losing your salvation over your head, doesn't that just make you want to worship with all your heart? Yeah. Not as much. Alternately, if maybe there was someone who gave you a list of things to worship about. A guideline for new worshipers? Not a behavior book, but a list of awesome things to celebrate!

Because it all really comes down to who and why, not how. I'm sure I worship God in different ways than anyone reading this. But that doesn't make me any better or worse. And it doesn't make either of our ways to worship wrong. Society, and many church members, will never tell us this. But God does. David worshiped God so intensely that, well, you know the story. (2 Samuel 6:12-23) God didn't strike him with fire or anything. God did, however discipline his wife for basically saying that David was wrong to worship that way. This is something that I find reassuring when people around me aren't raising their hands, but I feel like doing so. I mean, it works the other way too. I'm probably not being super clear, but this is also helping me to think this out.

One last clarification. Worship is not emotionalism. Being emotional is often part of worship, but the two are not the same. I can cry a river over something religious, in church, or with other Christians, but that does not make my river worship. That makes my river over something religious, in church, or with other Christians. Feeling is fine but to some extent if that is the only facet of your worship, you are missing something. There is so much more to worship than emotion. There is a knowledge of who God is, His characteristics. His awesome characteristics that make Him who He is.

I worship an amazing God. I know that He loves me no matter what. That's why I worship Him.