Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reflections ~ 2013

Hey all! I know it’s been much too long since I’ve posted. Honestly, the blog had completely slipped off of my radar this past semester. I’ve had some crazy life changes going on - the biggest being a 700-mile move away from my friends and family. It’s been tough, but can I just say that God has been incredibly faithful? He seriously has taught me so much in the past few months, even when I have not been willing to learn.

As so many bloggers are posting their 2014 resolutions and such, I am constantly reminded of each person’s desire for a fresh start. A second chance at success. A clean slate.

I’m here to tell you that there is not a restart button on life. Of course, there is transformation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:15-17) and sanctification by the Holy Spirit. I am thankful for His work in my life! I am thankful that He has worked through the hard times, and used those times to teach me. But there have been specific events in my life that have shaped me, and also constant struggles and temptations that I face. These struggles are not meant to be forgotten. And the decisions that I make also affect my lifestyle and habits. It is in the everyday decisions that I learn, and in which I also make mistakes.

This song by Jonny Diaz has always made me reflect on these events and struggles, but has also always made me thankful that Christ does not hide His scars. He proclaims the most humbling time of His life and used that very experience to save mankind! That blows my mind when I think about it. He did not use His great and majestic power in the way we would use power - to make things easy. He chose to save us in such a unique and difficult way that no other religious system will ever understand.

Just some thoughts. Check in tomorrow for my personal “New Years Resolution” lists! :) I hope you all enjoy your last hours of 2013! :)

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