Sunday, February 24, 2013

Suffering in Silence

     Disclaimer: This post is not written by me or any of the muses, but by a guy, named Kenny, who goes to our church. I've had the privilege of seeing him come to Christ and watching his whole life change as a result. So I know that these aren't just words that he flippantly wrote, but something that he's been seriously struggling with. I pray that you struggle with some of these things while you read as well.

      A girl in the corner with scars on her wrists. A young man with a handgun contemplating whether to live or die because he things nobody cares about him. A mother who is struggling with guilt after an abortion. A father who has just lost his children to a gunman in a merciless murder.

     Suffering. It is part of the human experience, and we read of it and it breaks our heart... supposedly. But let me ask, does it really break your heart? Does it effect you enough to make you do something about it? - I would contest that most of the time that it does not. In fact, we almost do the exact opposite. We choose to walk away. It's almost disgustion to think about, but we do it all the time. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of being part of the problem and not the solution. It is our responsibility as believers to stand for what is correct. That means doing the right thing.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Happy Valentines Day!

    Although my fellow muses and I don't have a "special someone" for Valentines Day, (at least they better not!) I still enjoy this holiday. Partially because of the candy sales the day after, but also because of the history behind this now fake and commercialized day. The main martyrology behind the story of Valentines Day is that Saint Valentine, who lived in the mid two hundreds A.D., is that during this time period, various sacraments, such as marriage, were forbidden. Well, Valentine's story says that he continued to marry young couples, even under persecution and imprisonment. His death on February 14 is now celebrated as Valentines Day. Now, there are many other St. Valentines; somewhere in the ballpark of ten. Several are recorded as dying on the 14th as well. So, although one person may not have been the only basis we have for this holiday, the meaning behind it remains. True love conquers all. (not really!) The fact that love is an important part of our lives, and it will never be completely stamped out. (really!)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Welcome to the world of dance, song, and music...

     Have any of you heard the saying "Whenever I am late, someone somewhere has to wait"?  My dad says that to me all the time... Don't be like me! I am late, so now I have to apologize to you (it's a humbling experience.)  I'm sorry you had to wait!  I apologize profusely and I hope you will forgive me. :)...

     That being said, Hi!!!! I'm Thaleia, your muse of music, song and dance. My favorite kind of music is a-capella (or acapella; I've see it spelled both ways-oh, by the way I'm not a grammar Nazi  so please correct me! I won't get mad. :)) My favorite kind of song is the kind with a little bit of beat or swing.  I also like songs that have been changed from their original lyrics into a smart medley or that completely make fun of the original song (I'm horrible aren't I?) My favorite kind of dance is any kind of dance: tap, jazz, modern, ballet, etc. you name it, I'll probably like it! 

From one of my favorite musicals!! Know which one?


    A list of things I'm 'Currently'. I enjoy reading these and I hope you do too!

Snow. Where I live, we have about a foot and a half. I love watching snow! From inside. :) At night, I'll either turn on a light or watch the streetlight to see the illuminated snowfall. Gorgeous.
What all the trees look like!
To the Piano Guys on Pandora. I love classical music and some contemporary sounds, which means I really love the Piano Guys. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Fair Lady


Friday night I saw My Fair Lady, the musical, for the first time in my entire life! Now I will have to see the Audrey Hepburn version. It was an amateur production, but almost all the leads were amazing! This is the first musical I have ever been to that I did not know some of the songs, so I was able to sit back and watch without critiquing originally. BUT......

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Bowl

You know, that exceptional one.

       I am so very appreciative to Junior Josie, who asked me about my football beliefs. Someone who wants to know!  For, as previously mentioned, my fellow muses are less than enthusiastic about football. :(  So, I'll tell what I think about the grand game of football and the Super Bowl.

      I enjoy old fashioned football, with rough play, rivalries, and a sense of camaraderie  The Super Bowl is a little too commercialized  hyped-up, and has a ridiculous halftime "show."  I was able to avoid watching most of the halftime spectacle, but what I did see made me cringe. Is this how America is best represented? Is this who we are supposed to hold up to our youth as role models?  But lately I've been realizing that instead of complaining, I should be praying for God's help for our nation and how I can make a change, whether big or small.