Friday, February 15, 2013


Happy Valentines Day!

    Although my fellow muses and I don't have a "special someone" for Valentines Day, (at least they better not!) I still enjoy this holiday. Partially because of the candy sales the day after, but also because of the history behind this now fake and commercialized day. The main martyrology behind the story of Valentines Day is that Saint Valentine, who lived in the mid two hundreds A.D., is that during this time period, various sacraments, such as marriage, were forbidden. Well, Valentine's story says that he continued to marry young couples, even under persecution and imprisonment. His death on February 14 is now celebrated as Valentines Day. Now, there are many other St. Valentines; somewhere in the ballpark of ten. Several are recorded as dying on the 14th as well. So, although one person may not have been the only basis we have for this holiday, the meaning behind it remains. True love conquers all. (not really!) The fact that love is an important part of our lives, and it will never be completely stamped out. (really!)

    Now, I want to share a quote with you first, "A girl who views herself the way she's seen in God's eyes is irresistible to a guy whose eyes are on God." - Caleb Grimm. This and another quote inspired a couple of thoughts. Such as how a lot of girls out there are looking for "Godly Mr. Perfect" - I've got news for you. He came! And left. Jesus is, was, and will be the only perfect man. Now that we've established that who you're looking for doesn't exist on this earth, please don't forget that you still need a relationship with Christ. Did you know that He loves you, and shows you that year round? He loves you and me constantly no matter what we do or don't do. That's because He doesn't love like us, with Eros (physical) or Phileo (brotherly) love. Those two loves are loves that any of us can manufacture towards anyone. But my God IS love. He is Agape (unconditional) love. Agape love is a love that we can't produce on our own. Only by choosing to empty ourselves and become willing channels, can we show others God's Agape love. But, choosing to empty ourselves isn't something we just wake up one day and do! It requires a deep relationship with God. 

     Which segues nicely into my next thought. Have that relationship first, before you go looking for an imperfect human to fill emotional and spiritual needs that only God can fill. Many people look for one person to fill every need they have! Keeping our focus on Christ will help us realize that He can fulfill all our needs if we let Him. Knowing that we aren't searching for the non-existent Mr. Perfect, we should be able to see that just like we aren't Mrs. Perfect, our Mr. Perfect will have faults too. And there are a lot more guys out there when you look in that category. Our marriages and relationships aren't made to be independent of God, and they won't be perfect, rather they are to help husband and wife build each other up, and be a picture Christ's relationship with the church. 

     So, no matter how you celebrate February 14th, either as "Singles Awareness Day" or Valentines Day, be sure to keep your relationships in order, always putting your relationship with our God of Love first. 
Maybe we could just call it Candy Day?

          Happy Singles Awareness Day!

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