Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Erato's Welcome

Welcome to our fantastic blog!

      We are starting this as a New Years resolution between the four of us. It should be a stretching and growing experience for all of us! We hope that you'll enjoy our ramblings and opinions on a variety of things. Well, I've been told to begin by explaining my name. I'm Erato - which, according to Wikipedia means love or lyric poetry. I'm personally not so keen on the love part, but that's part of the domain. In a hymn to the muses, Erato was told to be the one that charmed the sight. That part is also non-applicable. As Clio mentioned, we aren't believers in Greek mythology, rather we are firm believers in Christ. Hopefully, you will be able to see that reflected in our writing and thoughts. 

      Now that I have explained my name, I shall explain me. I'm homeschooled, have two siblings, and I love crafting! Therefore, I shall mostly be writing about crafty things. I think. It will be a kind of accountability exercise, I have to make something so I can blog it!  I also love football, but the two aren't really related. :( My opinions on football would probably be censored by my fellow muses, so those shan't appear unless asked for. 

      Clio took care of all the business aspect regarding how we expect people to act like on our blog, so I won't repeat, but please do be respectful to each other and us. We are really excited about this venture, and we pray that you will join us!

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