Monday, July 15, 2013

The Waiting Room

I was sitting in the waiting room of the orthodontist’s office after my appointment, now waiting for my mom’s appointment to finish.  I pulled out my smartphone to check my emails, facebook, pinterest, my calendar, text a few people.... and then start the whole process all over again.  There must be something new on facebook since the last time I checked it 10 minutes ago, right? ;)   As I’m doing all of this, a family walked in and sat in the same area as I did.  I noticed right away the unusual family structure - a punk-ish looking teenage boy, and what looked like to be his grandparents.  I don’t know their ethnicity, but my first thought was Jamaican, which could be totally wrong.   Anyway, as their grandson walked to check in and went to his appointment, the grandparents had a very interesting conversation.  At first they joked in a reminiscent way about their grandson being old enough to handle his own appointments. Then, as I was checking my social media sites,  I caught snippets of conversation about receiving custody, a girl who was apparently bipolar, and even not having control over what girl their grandson would end up with.  They talked in a kind of wistful way; they were joking about some things, but you could tell that this conversation was rooted in deep concern.   

Side note:  I have to tell you that they were the cutest older couple I think I’ve ever seen.  The man was wearing as suit, large glasses, and a fedora.  The woman was dressed in a similar old-fashioned classy style.  And they seemed super sweet.  I totally would have loved to have had them as my grandparents. :)  

Anyway. ;)  As I was eavesdropping on their conversation (unintentionally, of course. :P) a thought struck me.  They really didn’t have control over their grandson or their various predicaments.  Now, I of course don’t know whether they were Christians or not.  If I see them in heaven, I’ll definitely have to tell them this story. :)  But....I had the feeling that they needed someone to trust these situations to.  They needed Him to trust their situations to.  

And I wanted to tell them.  I wanted to tell them about the One I know who has sustained me through hard times and the One to whom I have been able to trust my loved ones to.   But I didn’t know where to start.  

My mom’s appointment took long enough.  Almost 45 minutes after mine ended, actually.   When the grandson returned, the man made a joke about “Now he needs me. Now that he needs to pay for the appointment.” and winked to his wife, who sat chuckling.  
I had time.  I had the desire.  

But I didn’t know where to start.

How many opportunities am I missing?  I have the desire. I even know what to say. But I don’t know where to start, or how to approach them.  And as I sat behind my smartphone screen, I felt appalled.  Yes, I’m introverted.  Yes, I was finding a way to use up my time.  But I was also wasting time.  Precious time.  Time that could eternally impact others.  Life isn’t a waiting room, for me to just use up time until the next exciting thing happens.  

I need to be equipped.  Conversation starters - yes, I need to look some of those up from the multiple books on evangelism that I know are out there.  And yes, I need to conquer my fear of walking up to a stranger, much less talking to one.  ;)  

But more than all of that - I need to stop wasting time. I need to stop treating life as a waiting room.


  1. That's a fantastic analogy! It can be really hard talking about Christ an' stuff, especially with strangers--or people you know aren't on the right path with God. A friend of my recently came to me for some "religious" advice, and this one in particular I had stopped "pressing" God with. I figured, I'm here, he trusts me, in God's time not mine. So, after four years of waiting, he finally messaged me on Facebook saying, "I'm worried about when I die... I know you're religious, can we talk?" And so I invited him over to my house, called my pastor, made some tea, and shook the entire time. Like, it was so scary--what if I said the wrong thing?! In the end, I answered all of his questions, but he said he wanted more answers. I offered a meeting with my pastor (and I recently told him--I think he took it more as 'Kiera, you slacker, didn't even try'--it was more of 'I talked it over as much as he liked and thought he'd prefer someone with degrees and stuff because he's like me and respects and wants to hear from those people')

    But it is scary, and when he got here, I almost just let it go. It was so hard to say, "So, what did you want to talk about?" But then, it's harder to watch someone die without knowing God. And maybe a seed would be planted... But, in God's time, not mine. I'll just be here when people need me.

    (but, like, it's also nice to know that he's not the first person to talk to me randomly. I have gone five months without hearing from someone, and then "KIERA I WANT TO TALK ABOUT GOD!" and I've just been like "OKAY LET'S TALK!" Like, kinda scary, but being open is getting me somewhere. I'll probably never be like those people who are like, "Do you know Jesus?" ... that would just... I'd feel so intrusive... mehhhhhh)

    1. Anonymous7/15/2013

      That's really cool!! But yeah, I struggle with being intrusive a LOT. But what if some people really do want to know, but won't ask anyone?? I think that's why life is messy sometimes... to point us to a solution. The solution doesn't necessarily solve all of life's problems, but we'll have the strength to go through them!! :)

      Thanks for the reminder to wait on God's timing!!


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