Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Greetings from Clio

Hello one and all!

Welcome to The Muses! We have four authors and administrators, each of us a Greek muse. I will give a bit of background!
Greek muses are the goddesses of literature, science and the arts. For the record, I do not believe in Greek mythology, but their myths and legends are very fascinating. There are many, many different muses, but there are nine most mentioned and referred to, called the classical muses. Each of us has chosen our names, and "personalities" from these nine.

I am Clio, the muse of history. I chose Clio because I am a bit of a history buff :-)
Other than my history loves, which include specifically the American Civil War, both World Wars, and the British occupation of India, I am also a avid reader. I greatly enjoy Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, and Jane Austen, not to mention a host of others. I do a little bit of writing, most of which is hidden deep in the depths of my word processor, waiting to see the light of day, and publishers and critics. Someday.
I have been blessed, (or cursed) with the ability to guess the endings of books and movies, so I am not a totally enjoyable person to  discuss books or watch movies with. I am also a bit of a Grammar Nazi, which means my posts will be forever perfect, and the others will be too, because I will edit them :-)      

Now, onto what we will be posting. Personally, I am not crafty at all, but that is about the only thing that I will say I won't post about. Politics, books, history, jokes, or just rants, any and all of these will probably be covered by me at some point and time.

I recently read a saying "People can be anything they want on the internet. It is odd that so many choose to be stupid."
Please don't be one of those many! Friendly debates in the comments are fun. Name-calling and insults aren't. Please absolutely no curse words! And none of this !@#$%^&* either, please! When you do that, it is fairly obvious that you mean obscene words, thereby defeating the purpose of not actually writing them.
Also, if enough readers comment and read, we will eventually make a Facebook page, and maybe even a Youtube channel for video blogs. So if you like us and want more, comment so we know. If you don't like us, then exit the page, instead of ranting about how stupid we are. Thanks. :-)



  1. I enjoyed all your introductions!
    You said you were a Grammar Nazi; however, I did notice one grammatical error. In the third to last sentence, you said "now" instead of "know". Just pointing that out. =)

  2. Anonymous2/01/2013

    Fixed it. Thanks for letting her/us know! ;)


Please make sure that your comments are appropriate and mature, as well as respectful of others' viewpoints. We welcome your feedback and discussion, but will delete any inappropriate comments.