Thursday, July 18, 2013

10 Things You Should Never Say To....

It's been a while now, but Blimey Cow recently posted two videos that complemented each other. They were titled, "10 ThingsYou Sould Never Say To a Girl" and "10 Things You Should Never Say To a Guy", respectively. The one about things guys shouldn't say to us, in a healthy fear for their lives ;) was released first. Soon the Blimey Cow community was beggining for the natural sequel, the other way around.

The first one I watched, laughed, and appreciated the fact that maybe they'd help some poor male floundering in confusion. Some of these were common courtesy, and should go both ways. :)

Then was the one that I felt was more applicable to me, Ten Things That You Should Never Say to a Guy. This one actually impacted me quite a bit. As I've been posting, I like being in charge, and doing things. Well, that also means I'm often guilty of saying, (to both genders) "Here, just let me do it." I've never realized how that really could/does make someone feel. So, I've been trying stop doing that since I've seen this video.

Hopefully, you can see something in one of these videos that you do/say that you could stop. I know I actually have several, but I can only work on one at a time. :)

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