Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My most sincere apologies.

Really, I apologize. I should have pictures for two weeks! Actually, enough to round out the month. :/ But, I don't even have last weeks. I kinda knew this would happen. Which is why I've never started, but that isn't a valid excuse. I gave it a shot, and I think I'll try to finish this month's over May, and then try again in June. We shall see.

Everything is hitting peak right now. School, Bible quizzing, year end events, work, and other misc. events. I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed. But, I'm just gonna keep plugging away at it!

That's just a small update/excuse for the non-existent posts lately. And I'm sure all my fellow muses would say the same.


1 comment:

  1. Taking a break is never a bad thing! Good luck, ladies! ^.^ My prayers will be with you in your busy days!!!


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