Today, we have a guest-ish kind of thing. I've interviewed one of my friends, Jenn, because she's doing NaNoWriMo!! How cool is that!?! She has her own blog over at Blogging a Life Without Words; go check her out! (After you finish reading this of course!)
Erato - So, what made you decide to do NaNoWriMo?
Jenn - I've always been a writer at heart! Back in Freshman year of high school, I decided to take on the challenge of NaNo after being asked to do it by a friend. It was a bit daunting--50k words in a month (about 100 pages) is nothing to laugh at!--but it was super fun in the end. I love a challenge, on paper and otherwise! :)
E - So this isn't your first time doing NaNo?
J - No, as answered before I first did it my Freshman year. But, it has been a while since I've done it, so I'm just as nervous and excited to get back into it.
E - Do you think you'll do it again?
J - For sure! I absolutely love writing, and it's a great way to get used to deadlines!
E - Did you do any prepping for it at all? Like stretching for a race or something?
J - Sort of. I prepare outlines and try to get to know my characters through writing random scenes (that don't go into the final word count). I also like to relax and have been playing through an old video game to get my mind off of writing. For me, getting my mind off something until right before I get into it is the best way to handle the stress of an oncoming challenge. And for NaNo, the more stress you build up the more your story can suffer! Best to be relaxed.
E - Now, I've heard the word cabinmates tossed around, who are they?
J - This month and in July are Camp months. NaNoWriMo proper is in November, but those who come back to NaNo usually participate in Camp--there are more flexible word count goals, and there are Cabins that you get put into (if you chose). Cabins are online chat rooms that you are randomly put into, and Cabin Mates are those that you share the cabin with. They help you to reach your word count through encouragement and harassment. :)
E - Are you interested in writing more for a living?
J - I'm not too sure. I currently have plans to go into blacksmithing and would like to teach dance, but if I have time, I will definitely write! It's all in God's hands, though, but it would be awesome to still tell stories through paper.
E - Do you outline? Or do you have to talk it out, but never really put anything on paper?
J - I outline! I'm the biggest outliner I know, but I don't stick to it. There are main points in an outline that I know I need to reach the end of the story, but if the story develops into something better, I won't stick with it. I will usually just use it to help me reach the end. Talking it out does help, though, and if I find someone I trust enough, I will usually have a huge brainstorming session trying to figure out my story.
E - Does anyone else in your family write?
J - No, I'm the only writer. I'm often made fun of for it, and Paperback Writer (the Beatles) has been dubbed my theme song. But, they've left me alone while I've been writing, so it's all good! :)
E - Are there any stories that you get inspiration from?
J - So many! Often times I like to read movie titles (or watch previews). write an outline of what I think the plot is, and then be surprised by the actual play out of the movie. I don't think I get actual inspiration from reading or other forms of story telling. Movies are special to me, because they give a person time to actually think while the story is happening, and it doesn't take your entire concentration. Gives the mind room to wander!
E - What kind of novel are you writing? Or is it a secret?
J - I'm currently on the fence! It will either be a paranormal fantasy or a futuristic scifi. I want to do the paranormal, because it seems the most exciting and adventurous, but the scifi is the one that I fell is going to work out the best! Ah! So many choices! >.<
E - Now a couple funner questions! Favorite color?
J - Green/Turquoise!
E - Preferred reading material?
J - Fantasy or those "chick-flick" books! I'm not the pickiest reader, but when I want a quick read that gets my mind "set" for adventure, The Lightening Thief is my go-to book!
Thanks, Jenn!
SO cool, Jenn!! I've always wanted to do NaNoWriMo. And paranormal fantasy/futuristic stuff is my favorite!! AND I just finished reading the Lightning Thief for the first time! Goodness! :) So glad we and our readers got to know you a bit better! :)